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Mechanical Issues Force Steamship Authority To Cancel More Ferry Trips

HYANNIS (CBS) - Last minute cancellations Tuesday slowed down the start of summer vacation for Steamship Authority passengers leaving Hyannis.

"When I drove into the parking lot and I spoke to the guy and he said the 12 o'clock is canceled," said passenger Jim Hammond.

"You have to expect the unexpected and you have to roll with the punches," said passenger Marty Lehman.

The cancellations forced folks heading to Nantucket to kill some time until they could catch a later boat.

"We'll get there, we're not in a big rush," said passenger Tamsen Merrill.

The passenger and vehicle ferry called "Woods Hole" didn't leaving port Tuesday. All three of its round-trips from Hyannis to Nantucket were cancelled because of an alarm issue with a propeller.

"We're working today to identify it and to resolve it," said Steamship Authority Communications Director Sean Driscoll.

The Steamship Authority has been hit hard so far his year.

Their own statistics show 570 trips were cancelled between January and May of this year because of mechanical issues. That's compared to just 24 during the same time frame in 2017.

The mechanical issues vary, for example, back in March passengers were even stranded on board for several hours when a ferry lost power.

"This is not what they expect this is not what we expect it's not how we want to run a ferry line. We're working very hard to identify these issues as much as possible," said Driscoll.

Driscoll said a consulting firm has been hired and is in the beginning stages of an independent review.

State Senator Julian Cyr represents the Cape, Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket. He'd like to see the Steamship Authority make improvements and points out how crucial the summer months are for the islands.

"Any sort of concern of our visitors wondering whether or not they'll be able to get to the island, that's who I'm hearing most from and that's what I'm most concerned about," said Cyr.

The Steamship Authority said it adds extra ferry trips anytime there is a cancellation to help accommodate passengers.

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