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Cambridge Startup Handybook Raises $2M

CAMBRIDGE (CBS) - A Cambridge startup that is offering what they call the fastest booking tool for household services has raised $2 million.

It's called Handybook.

WBZ NewsRadio 1030's Jeff  Brown reports


Co-founder Oisin Hanrahan tells WBZ he got the idea while attending Harvard Business School. He was frustrated, trying to find and book handymen.

Hanrahan says people can search for services such as home cleaning, for example, by entering their zip code, the date and time they'd like the service done. Handybook confirms availability and price, and confirm the transaction in less than 90 seconds.

Handybook does the legwork, weeding out thousands of service providers to a little more than 100 who pass the smell test.

Hanrahan says after he and his partner got a bit of capital, he decided to drop out of Harvard Business School and devote his time and energy to Handybook.

Handybook is currently up and running in just two markets, Boston and New York.

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