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Bullet Shot Into Randolph Home Nearly Hits Man Sleeping On Couch

RANDOLPH (CBS) - Two o'clock Wednesday morning, Bo Jones jumped up in her bed. "I wasn't 100 percent sure it was a gunshot but I assumed it was and less than a minute later I heard a car speed off. I looked outside but didn't see anybody," she said. She eventually went back to sleep, unsure what she'd just heard.

With daylight, her husband Derrick, "Noticed a hole in the sofa and he automatically said one of the kids must have ripped the sofa," she said.

But it wasn't until the afternoon, 12 hours after she'd heard that loud noise that her daughter spotted a bullet lodged in a kitchen support post. Bo realized someone shot into her Randolph house. "Right now, I'm just in shock," she said.

Bo and her 15-month-old son were asleep in the bedroom. But her husband had been asleep on the couch right where that bullet came through. "He's lucky he's alive," Bo said.

Just as we finished getting footage of the damage, Derrick Jones came home from work and learned what his wife and daughter had just discovered. "Oh my God," he exclaimed. "I could've been dead. My head… I sleep right there," Derrick said. "I was laying there like this last night so they just missed me," he said demonstrating where he was when the shot would've come through.

The couple has lived in the Bartlett Road home for about a year and a half with no trouble. They have no idea why someone would put their family at risk. "I know I haven't done anything to warrant somebody coming by here shooting," Derrick said. "I have daughters and I have a small son and I don't know if it was random or if we was targeted. We don't have any problems with anybody so it's really scary," Bo explained.

Randolph Police took the bullet as evidence and are investigating the case but have not made any arrests. The Jones' hope someone will come forward, explain what happened, and maybe give them a little peace of mind. "I don't know what to do man. I don't feel good here no more," Derrick said.

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