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Brockton Street Loaded With Potholes Has Own Facebook Page

BROCKTON (CBS) - There's a road in Brockton that's such a potholed mess, it has it's own Facebook page.

Alger Street is a popular cut-through to East Bridgewater.

It's also in terrible shape.

Bruce Norton's family has been living on the street for generations. He said you have to drive about five miles an hour to avoid damaging your car.

WBZ TV's Bill Shields reports from Brockton.

They've been trying to get the city to fix the road for years.

"They occasionally patch it or fill the hole with sand and that's about as good as it gets," he told WBZ NewsRadio 1030 Wednesday.

Norton said one pothole ripped the right front wheel off a car just two days ago.

City officials said they patch the potholes as often as they can, but the road was built poorly and has bad drainage.

WBZ NewsRadio 1030's Doug Cope reports


Alger Road's Facebook page reads, "I pop tires, dent rims, break shocks, you name it I do it. I have been this way for about 10 years now. Even though people complain about me constantly, NO ONE CAN CHANGE ME. I'M A MONSTER!!!

Christine Brennan told WBZ-TV she created the infamous Facebook page, which now has seven friends.

"I've had it...and so has my car," says Brennan, "I've had to pay 12-hundred dolalrs this year for work on my car, just because of that street !"

Another resident says the problem has been going on for years, and it's because of all the wetlands on either side of the road. "I'm fed up !" says Barbara Bruce, "because every time they patch it up, it rains or snows, and the road won't drain, and that leads to potholes."

WBZ TV's Bill Shields contributed to this report

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