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'This Isn't How Your Story Ends': Woman Who Fought Off Attacker Talks About Escape

BRIDGEWATER (CBS) - The woman who fought off an attacker in Bridgewater is talking about the terrifying ordeal.

"The most important thing I wanted to do was not let him get me in that vehicle," the woman said. "I tried to break free from him and pull away."

As the Bridgewater Police Chief has said, she's anything but a victim.

Bridgewater jogger
Woman who fought off an attacker in Bridgewater (WBZ-TV)

"I just tried to keep kicking backward, I'm not even certain that I made great contact, but I just wanted to do anything I could to prevent him," she said.

The runner fought-off a would-be abductor on Pleasant Street in Bridgewater Sunday as a security camera rolled on him trying to grab her and force her into his SUV.

"He grabbed my forearms and then that was the moment I had to be like, this is happening, you can't deny this, this is happening," she said. "But then the next thought, which I'm glad I had, was that you're not going to let this happen, this isn't how your story ends."

bridgewater attack
The Bridgewater attempted kidnapping was caught on surveillance video. (Image credit: Bridgewater police)

Gordon Lyons, 57, hid under a sheet during his hospital arraignment. The runner's quick thinking, not only breaking free and kicking him until he ran away, but also getting a picture of his license plate, helped  lead police to him. He had crashed on Route 24 in West Bridgewater.

Lyons, who was already convicted of rape in 1978 pleaded not guilty to kidnapping and indecent assault on Tuesday.

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