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Brian Hoyer's Role Is Valuable

FOXBORO (CBS) -- The Patriots have been very strong at developing a back-up for Tom Brady, and Brian Hoyer is another QB to add to that list.

Tom and Brian have a strong relationship.

"Brian is a great player, even though he's a Michigan State kid," cracked Brady, a Michigan alum. "He's really come a long way. I think for any quarterback, really, that first to second year is a big jump. He's really a smart kid that's got all the physical skills. He just needs the opportunity."

That opportunity should come on Sunday. I don't think Tom is going to play the whole game, so Brian should get ample time on the field.

Bill Belichick is confident that Hoyer will be fine when called upon.

"I think he took last year and built on that; he has improved a great deal this year," Belichick said.

"I think Brian has done a very good job handling our scout team and handling the plays he has gotten in practice. He has gotten a number of plays this year as he did last year [with] practice opportunities when Tom didn't practice. So, that's not game conditions, but you can evaluate how a player runs the team and how he handles himself in a similar practice scenario to Tom. He has done a good job. He has improved and I think he still has got things he needs to work on, but I think he has had a solid year given the opportunities that he's had."

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