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Boston's Best Haunted Bars

They say every place has a story, and in a city like Boston, a veritable treasure trove of tales lurks beneath every stone. With the crisp autumn air at the door, and Halloween right around the corner, those walls promise ghost stories, and the ghastly histories behind some of Boston's otherwise normal bars and pubs are perfect for the season. Whether it's poltergeists on the move, ghosts on the prowl or demons at the door, here are some of the area's spookiest bars.

Omni Parker House
60 School St.
Boston, MA 02108
(617) 227-8600

As one of the most popular destinations on any haunted tour of Boston, the Omni Parker House offers a wealth of history between its walls and beneath its foundations; the Boston cream pie was even invented within the house kitchen, and Malcolm X was once a busboy here. The house actually operates a commercially popular business as a hotel, and benefits from a great, central location near Faneuil Hall and the Back Bay. This vintage establishment has a haunted reputation, however. Ghosts historically inhabit the landmark, and guests report creepy, unexplainable noises in the night. Accolades follow the Omni House's dinner and drink specials — not to mention its Boston Cream Pie — so the brave are still encouraged to stake their claim on an evening's pleasure.

Related: Boston's Best Quick Lunches

Union Oyster House
41 Union St.
Boston, MA 02108
(617) 227-2750

The ghost of former U.S. President John F. Kennedy Jr. is said to inhabit and haunt the walls of this fine dining establishment, which happened to be one of his favorites in life. Patrons claim to encounter the man's ghost haunting both the dining and restroom areas. As one of the oldest restaurants in America, a place like Union Oyster House is bound to have some history buried deep within its proverbial roots, and the staff here knows it, doing its best to amp up and sell the restaurant's history and haunted reputation. Clam chowder lovers should know the Union Oyster House's brand has earned its fair share of admirers, despite the Oyster House's reputation as a tourist trap.

The Eliot Hotel
370 Commonwealth Ave.
Boston, MA 02215
(617) 267-1607 it comes to tracking down a haunted watering hole, hotel bars more often than not prove to be pretty fair game. Plus, a city with a history as rich as Boston's has plenty of aged, historical buildings with plenty of sordid tales to tell beneath the floorboards and bed springs. The Eliot Hotel is similar to the Omni Parker House, in that this Back Bay spot — located at Hynes Station of the Green Line —encounters guest complaints about flickering lights and strange noises in the night. Still, the chic, European-style hotel keeps its customers coming back for drinks, dinner or a bold stay in one of the haunted rooms.

Related: Boston's Best Bars for Networking

Fairmont Copley Plaza
138 St. James Ave.
Boston, MA 02116
(617) may seem — at least judging from these aforementioned examples — as if the entire Back Bay area is haunted by some form of creeping ghost or ghoul, yet the Fairmont Copley Plaza is another area destination with some serious secrets lurking behind the walls. The sixth floor in particular has been accused of harboring the most paranormal activity, with some superstitious guests complaining of creepy-crawly activity during all hours of the night. Although some may simply chalk up such shenanigans to house settling' r other explainable situations, Haunted Fairmont, located between Blagden Street and Huntington Avenue, still earns creepy credence for many Bostonians.

The Gallows
1395 Washington Street
Boston, MA 02118
(617) 425-0200

The name of this watering hole reveals the haunted past of the grounds upon which it stands. The Gallows is loud (and fun), but if you close your eyes and listen, you might just hear the quiet whispers of restless souls coming from within the walls of this darkened room. The grounds around the restaurant and bar were the location of a number of 17th century public hangings.

Worcester's Ship Room @Hotel Vernon
1 Millbury St.
Worcester, MA 01610
(508) 363-3507 Ship Room, in Hotel Vernon in Worcester, Mass., is a proud, dirty, little dive bar, and holds this description in the highest regard. The Ship Room earned notoriety when the legendary Babe Ruth came in during his Woostah pit stops. The bar's speakeasy basement supposedly boasts a haunt, according to the locals. On the subject of locals, The Ship Room is a place without airs in a city known for its rough 'n ready clientele, so visitors beware: This is a place where the booze is cheap and the attitude unfriendly to those who arrive on a high horse.

George Pacheco has been writing professionally about arts and entertainment for over a decade. A graduate of the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, George currently resides in a humble New England home with his wife, cat and massive music and film collection. His work can be found at

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