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Clergy Members Urge For Peaceful Protests To Lift The Memory Of George Floyd

BOSTON (CBS) -- Pastors, ministers, and bishops from all over the state sang and prayed throughout a peaceful one-mile march on Sunday. More than 200 religious leaders went from the Dudley Square Boston Police Station to the main headquarters in honor of George Floyd, who was killed in Minneapolis.

"We are fighting for justice and for the memory of George Floyd. His death will not go down in vain," one man said.

The Ministers In Action, Boston Baptist Ministers Conference, Black Ministerial Alliance, and Massachusetts Council of Churches organized the event within the last 24 hours.

"We are calling on everyone to make it a peaceful protest, otherwise it takes away from the purpose, we're lifting up the memory of George Floyd," said Miniard Culpepper from the Pleasant Hill Baptist Church.

At the headquarters, they paused for an eight minutes moment of silence -- the same amount of time the former Minneapolis police held his knee down on George Floyd's neck. Derek Chauvin is now being charged with third-degree murder and manslaughter.

The group's march took place before other demonstrations throughout Boston. They called on other protesters to keep it violence-free.

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