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Police Thank Doctors Who Saved Officers After East Boston Shooting

BOSTON (CBS) – The doctors who saved the lives of two officers after a shooting in East Boston last month were honored by the Boston Police Department Thursday.

Commissioner William Evans personally thanked Dr. George C. Velmahos, Dr. David King and the entire Massachusetts General Hospital Trauma Team for saving the lives of Officer Matt Morris and Richard Cintolo.

The officers were shot multiple times on Gladstone Street by a man who was then shot and killed by police. Both officers underwent multiple surgeries in the days following the incident.

"On behalf of the entire Boston Police Department, I want to extend my gratitude and appreciation to all those who gave my officers the tremendous attention and care that saved their lives," Evans said as he presented the Trauma Team with a Commissioner's Commendation.

"It is truly my honor and privilege to recognize the MGH Trauma Team and all those who provided the life-saving care that enabled my officers to go home to their families."

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