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Boston Police Outline Fourth Of July Security Plans

BOSTON (CBS) - With the summer months underway it's all about public safety for Boston Mayor Marty Walsh and Boston Police Commissioner William Evans.

There's added concern that hot temperatures will bring a lot of people outside, and the Commissioner points to an expected uptick in violence over the Fourth of July. "Last year 15 people were shot over Fourth of July weekend in ten incidents," said Evans. "The year before it was two and the year before that nine. Over the years it's been traditionally violent."

It will bring increased patrols to the neighborhoods of Boston. Mayor Walsh says big events in downtown Boston will not overstretch resources. "We'll be covering our neighborhoods, we are not reducing manpower in our communities," said Walsh.

While there is no specific threat to the Esplanade on the Fourth, concertgoers should expect heightened security again as police prepare for any potential security issues. "It's a new normal," said Evans who added coolers and backpacks should be left at home.

There will be aerial support and heavy trucks and equipment blocking feeder streets to the Esplanade in what the Commissioner calls a multi-layered approach.

There's also a warning about fireworks with a reminder from public safety officials they are illegal and that hot temperatures will create dry conditions for anyone who uses them.

Mayor Walsh says the city will open up cooling centers to deal with the heat wave and the city's 18 pools will also be open.

"It's a challenging time," said Evans.

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