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Officers, EMTs Deliver Baby Girl Outside Police Station

BOSTON (CBS) - There was a surprise, holiday delivery Thursday in a car outside a Boston Police station, and baby Francesca is doing great. The parents were racing to the hospital from their home in Stoughton, but the baby couldn't wait. That's when Boston Police and EMTs went into action and saved the day.

It was the happiest of visits at Beth Israel Deaconess as several Boston Police officers congratulate the Pierre family, and welcome Francesca into the world in a calmer setting than when they met her the first time.

"There was a vehicle following us, beeping the horn," says Officer Jose Gomes. That happened this morning outside the Mattapan police station.

Francis Pierre jumped out of that car, yelling for help. "I just knew I had to get to the hospital fast, but we didn't make it," he says. "I was like, you need to pull over. There's an ambulance, pull over," says his wife Tracey Pierre.

"When I approached the car that's when I found out there was a baby being delivered," says Officer Gomes.

The officers ran to some EMTs just starting their shift. "They say there's a baby being delivered in the car. Me being a jokester I'm like, yeah, right," says EMT Sean Alexander from Boston EMS.

But they launched into action and here's the proof, all seven pounds, eight ounces of her. For one of the EMTs, this wasn't the first time. "I've done this about 20 times. Not outside in a car, but in other places," says Alexander.

"This was actually my first one. So a very special morning for me," adds EMT Liz Yanakakis.

The police officers brought Francesca a teddy bear. "And then we got mom and dad, you guys each get a coffee mug because we know you'll need a lot of coffee," says Officer Nadia Siconolfi.

"When we responded expecting the worst, we were so happy seeing this baby born. It was such a beautiful thing," she adds.

"It was a surreal moment. So congratulations to the family," says Officer Byron Foot.

Francesca is the Pierre's first baby.

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