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Boston's Museum of Science opens new "Innovation: Earth" exhibit about changing climate

Boston's Museum of Science opens new hands-on exhibit "Innovation Earth"
Boston's Museum of Science opens new hands-on exhibit "Innovation Earth" 02:17

BOSTON -- A brand-new exhibit opened up on Wednesday at the Museum of Science about our changing climate and the solutions to solve it. 

Innovation Earth

WBZ's Jacob Wycoff was one of the first to tour the museum's "Innovation: Earth," part of their year-long "Earthshot" theme. It's a place where both kids and adults can learn and enjoy the exhibit.

"We want everyone to be very hopeful and to have a really positive outlook for the future," said Senior Exhibit Designer Dorian Juncewicz. 

Museum of Science Boston
Innovative: Earth exhibit at Museum of Science, Boston. CBS Boston

This positive outlook comes from creative solutions -- something the museum highlights in lots of interactive ways. The cornerstone learning space is the immersive room. This city scene focuses on the solutions that can benefit a city such as carbon capture, more green space and even the benefits of oysters on a coastline.

"It's more engaging when people are actually enjoying themselves here," Juncewicz said.

Tackling climate change

Museum Exhibit Coordinator Katharina Marino said that the climate crisis we are going through is something everyone should be aware of.

"The museum has an obligation to all types of science," she said. "Visitors come here to learn things, they come here to engage with their family and friends and have fun, but why not be learning something in the process."

The learning opportunities are endless with plasma energy and low-e windows, to other climate exhibits like the museum's "Changing Landscapes." 

Marino gets a lot of enjoyment watching kids experience the exhibit. "These are our future engineers and scientists of all kinds. These kids that come here and visit us, they are the ones that are going to be changing the future," she said.

The Earthshot programming, including "Innovation: Earth," will be open for the remainder of 2024. 

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