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37,000 flags planted on Boston Common ahead of Memorial Day to honor fallen Mass. soldiers

37,000 flags planted on Boston Common ahead of Memorial Day honor fallen Mass. soldiers
37,000 flags planted on Boston Common ahead of Memorial Day honor fallen Mass. soldiers 02:15

BOSTON – A sea of American flags now cover part of Boston Common ahead of Memorial Day weekend. The display honors Massachusetts soldiers who have made the ultimate sacrifice.

In total, 37,000 flags were planted on Boston Common near the Soldiers and Sailors monument. The total marks one for every fallen hero from Massachusetts going back to the Revolutionary War.

"It's incredibly impactful doing this here in a very public space where people are just walking through. Very impactful," said Robin Grandal, who was walking in the area and came across the tribute.

On Thursday, a ceremony was held as the final 388 flags were planted, a tribute to those who have died as a result of the wars since the September 11 attacks. Family members read aloud the names of their loved ones.

"There are people that are making the ultimate sacrifice in defense of our freedoms, and they've been doing that for generation after generation after generation. And this generation is no different," Tom Crohan, president of the Massachusetts Military Heroes Fund. "So we just want to make sure people remember and honor them. That's what we hear from their families. They just want to make sure their loved one is not forgotten. That's what this is all about."

Gov. Charlie Baker and Lt. Gov. Karyn Polito joined Gold Star families, members of the military, and others at the ceremony.

"We all know we sit on the shoulders of every one of these flags behind me and the families and the stories and the histories they represent, and every flag like that everywhere all over the world that represents a fallen serviceman or servicewoman who's died in the defense of freedom in this country," Baker said.

The flags will remain in place through Memorial Day weekend. People are encouraged to stop by and pay tribute before the display is removed on Tuesday.

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