LeGarrette Blount Perfectly Explains Patriots' Success: 'We Mind Our Business'
By Matt Dolloff, CBS Boston
BOSTON (CBS) -- It's debatable how much the Patriots' whole "ignore the noise" mantra contributes to their success - it certainly ranks well below having Tom Brady and Bill Belichick - but it does play some role in how well the head coach and quarterback prepare and how their work ethic trickles down through the rest of the team. Running back LeGarrette Blount, in between a whole bunch of non-answers, slipped in a subtly powerful message to everyone on the outside, well, making noise.
When asked about how they go about avoiding distractions, Blount replied, "We mind our business. We handle everything our way. We keep our noses in our business. We worry about ourselves more than other people."
Say what you will about the Patriots, but one thing they do not do is spend even a second worrying, let alone speaking out publicly, about what anyone in the league is doing but themselves. They work as hard as they can to remain focused on making themselves better and preparing for that week's opponent. While other teams around the league scramble to tear them apart or figure out what they're doing, the Patriots just go about their business (mostly) winning games. If some teams spent more time worrying about their own business, maybe they'd be as successful as Belichick and Brady have been in New England.
Blount, in particular, should definitely worry about playing well and improving - his job could be in jeopardy. But he's ignoring the noise so far and appears to have passed his initial physical tests, so he's on the right track.
Matt Dolloff is a writer for CBSBostonSports.com. His opinions do not necessarily reflect that of CBS or 98.5 The Sports Hub. Have a news tip or comment for Matt? Follow him on Twitter @mattdolloff and email him at mdolloff@985thesportshub.com.