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Keller @ Large: We Need More Leaders Like Bill Belichick

BOSTON (CBS) - I picked up the phone Monday afternoon to hear a friend of mine sounding baffled and frantic. "Did you hear the news?' he said. "The Patriots dumped Jamie Collins - for a draft pick!"

At first, I was as stunned as he was. Collins has been a star at linebacker for the Pats, and they are 7-1 this season, hardly a situation that seems to call for dumping a key player like Collins.

But then I did a little research.

The Patriots defense has been spotty so far this year, with Collins one of its more inconsistent players. He is reportedly seeking a huge contract next year that could cause the Pats to lose other, equally talented players. And CBS reported on some informed speculation that Collins has been something of a coaching problem for Bill Belichick.

And then it hit me - in Bill We Trust.

Belichick is not known for throwing away his best chance to win for petty reasons, in fact, he's known for the opposite, a relentless focus on winning. He doesn't care what the fans think, what a player has done in the past, what his other players might think of it. He is ruthless, relentless, and possesses far and away the best winning record of any active coach.

If getting rid of Jamie Collins backfires and costs the Pats another title, Belichick will take plenty of heat, as he should.

But if he knows what he's doing and it works out, it will be more evidence that Belichick is a leader who places the success of his team above cronyism, sentiment, and public opinion.

Too bad we can't have more leaders in Washington who give the same priority to the country's success.

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