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Biggest Snow Storm Of Season Is Far From Over

BOSTON (CBS) - Quick update and some thoughts with the first phase of this long duration event coming to an end.

First, don't be fooled into thinking the storm is over, far from it. The 1-3" we got from round one is just an appetizer and unfortunately the snow will likely stick to the roads much easier by round two.

We will be in somewhat of a lull over the next several hours, but it will continue to snow, lightly for the most part, all night. This will keep constant pressure on road crews to maintain the relatively good road conditions that currently exist.

READ: Biggest Snow Storm Of Season Will Affect Several Commutes

The snow did not accumulate much on the main roads from this first wave of snow and that was expected. Temperatures at ground level are much warmer than normal for this time of year due to our mild winter, in fact the top layer of soil hasn't even frozen in most areas making initial snow accumulation difficult even on the grass. This should change when the next wave of snow arrives.

Watch Todd's Forecast

Wave number two will begin in the early hours of Thursday morning, likely between 2-4AM. With heavy bands of snow expected before daylight, the snow should accumulate much better on all surfaces making for a challenging commute north and west of Boston. Snow may fall at an inch per hour adding 2-4" or more to existing totals. To the south of the City, milder air will work in overnight and much of the precipitation that falls from wave number two will be in the form of rain.

As the second wave exits to our east later Thursday morning, it should draw down some cold air from the north and change any rain back to snow in Southern areas. So by the time the final wave arrives it should be all snow once again.

Wave number 3 will make for a snowy evening commute on Thursday and could drop an additional 1-3" over our entire area. Before it completely tapers off there may be some heavier bands of snow rotating near the Coastline, one last gasp from a very long duration event.

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