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Over a dozen Massachusetts leaders were with President Biden, one day before COVID diagnosis

Over a dozen Massachusetts leaders were with President Biden, one day before COVID diagnosis
Over a dozen Massachusetts leaders were with President Biden, one day before COVID diagnosis 01:45

BOSTON - The White House said Thursday it is informing close contacts of President Joe Biden, including Congress members who traveled with him to Massachusetts the day before, of his positive COVID test. 

Biden flew on Air Force One with senators and representatives from Massachusetts, and appeared with over a dozen local officials during his visit to Somerset.

Senators Ed Markey and Elizabeth Warren, along with Representatives Jake Auchincloss (MA-04) and Bill Keating (MA-09), were on Air Force One. In Somerset, Biden participated in a photo line with Board of Selectmen chairman Allen Smith, climate envoy John Kerry, House Speaker Ron Mariano, Senate President Karen Spilka, Sen. Marc Pacheco (D-Taunton), Sen. Michael Rodrigues (D-Westport), Rep. Sean Garballey (D-Arlington), Rep. Pat Haddad (D-Somerset), Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe chairman Brian Weeden and Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head Aquinnah chairwoman Cheryl Andres-Maltais.

We've compiled some of their reactions to the news below:

Sen. Ed Markey:

Markey is testing Thursday morning, as he does regularly, and will remain masked and socially distanced, per public health guidelines. He is double vaccinated and double boosted.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren:

Has not responded to a request for comment from WBZ-TV.

Rep. Bill Keating:

"Congressman Keating had two negative tests prior to boarding yesterday's plane and upon hearing the news, he immediately tested again and got a negative result. He has been vaccinated and boosted. Congressman Keating wishes the President a swift recovery."

Rep. Jake Auchincloss:

"We had a dynamic 30-minute conversation where we covered a range of topics and it was substantive and lively," Auchincloss told WBZ-TV's Brandon Truitt. "You got to demonstrate that you have a negative COVID test within 24 hours of being with the President, and it can't be self-administered. It has to be done by a third party who then transmits the results to the White House for record. So they take rigorous precautions.

"@RepAuchincloss tested negative ahead of his trip with the president yesterday, as was protocol, and he tested negative again this morning. He is asymptomatic and will continue testing regularly." - Auchincloss spokesman. 

John Kerry, special presidential envoy for climate: 

Secretary Kerry tested negative Thursday afternoon and will continue to test regularly.

House Speaker Ron Mariano:

Tested negative for COVID Thursday. 

"I was surprised," Mariano told WBZ-TV's Brandon Truitt about the news about Biden.  "He looked in good health yesterday for the very brief time that I was close to him, maybe five minutes or so. It just shows you that you have to keep getting tested." 

Senate President Karen Spilka:

"The Senate President was sad to hear about President Biden's COVID diagnosis and wishes the President a speedy recovery. While she is not considered a close contact, the Senate President took a rapid COVID test as soon as she heard the news and tested negative. She will continue to test, mask and take any other necessary precautions." - Spilka spokeswoman

Somerset public officials:

One Somerset public official came to the town's Board of Health office Thursday morning to get a free test kit because they went to the event. Anyone with concerns is being told to follow CDC guidelines. 

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