Behind The Mic With Joe Mathieu: Boy Scouts New Gay Policy
BOSTON (CBS) - Some critics say the Boy Scouts' new policy on gay members does not go far enough.
More specifically, they say it's not consistent enough to make sense - not because it allows openly gay youngsters into the organization, but because it does not allow for gay adults.
Just think about what happens when a gay young man joins the Scouts and excels, eventually becoming an Eagle Scout. A dream for a lot of young people.
But then that model scout turns 18.
Would he be forced to quit?
Under the current guidelines, the answer is apparently yes. A birthday could be enough to force anyone out of the Scouts.
It's not a stretch to think more young people will therefore stay in the closet. Forced to lie about their sexual orientation so they won't be forced to leave the Scouts when they're older.
Most Americans seem to think the Scouts are on the right side of history here. Many polls have shown majority support for opening the Scouts to gay members and leaders.
Cultural changes like these are never easy or neat. And the Scouts are far from the first major American organization to tackle this issue. None are bigger than the Pentagon, which saw the repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" in 2011.
Not to mention the countless members of Congress who have announced support of gay marriage just this year.
That's why some argue that the Boy Scouts are finally coming back in the mainstream.
You can follow Joe on Twitter @JoeMathieuWBZ.