Auction Of Schilling's 38 Studios Assets Drew 1000
PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) — More than 1,000 people registered to bid on the remnants of former Red Sox pitcher Curt Schilling's failed video game company during an auction in Providence.
Bidding stretched nearly 12 hours Tuesday, wrapping up around 10 p.m. The Rhode Island Economic Development Corp. says about 95 percent of the items were sold. Approximately 400 bidders appeared in person and 600 registered online.
38 Studios was lured to Rhode Island from Massachusetts after receiving a state loan guarantee of $75 million in 2010. It burned through its money and declared bankruptcy earlier this year.
The EDC says most of the items that didn't sell were cubicle furniture. Another public auction could be held to sell the last few items.
An EDC spokeswoman says the amount raised will be announced Thursday or Friday, once bidders have picked up their items.
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