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Assumption College Football Coaches Stop Robbery, Chase Down Suspects

WORCESTER (CBS) – A group of Assumption College football coaches helped stop a violent robbery in Connecticut last weekend. The coaches left the team hotel to grab dinner when they saw the crime in progress.

The team's head coach didn't even know what happened until the next day.

"Looking back I'm glad we did the right thing," said Offensive Coordinator Paul McGonagle.

"We didn't think it was that big of a deal," said Tight Ends coach Matt Sidebottom.

The night before the Greyhounds beat Pace on Saturday, eight assistant coaches were leaving the hotel for a bite when they spotted two men pummeling another across the street.

Defensive Backs coach Anthony Barese was the first to act. "I heard a gentleman yell 'help, help,'" he says.

"They were punching him in the head, ripping into his pockets," said Defensive Line Coach Chris Grautski.

The coaches said they didn't have time to think and began charging toward the muggers, giving chase as they fled and split up.

"Through back alleyways, went over a couple of fences," said Grautski. "Coach Barese picked up the phone while we were running to call 911."

By the time police officers arrived, the coaches had caught both suspects.

"We just started yelling 'get on the ground get on the ground' he was pretty compliant," Barese said.

"He said 'what did I do?' We said 'we saw you do it,'" Grautski said.

Head coach Bob Chesney wasn't there because he was making sure his players were in bed. The assistants decided not to tell him about their Good Samaritan adventure before the game.

"I get it," said Coach Chesney. "I totally get it."

Chesney got word of the proud effort after his team won 55-21.

"Character is revealed when no one's watching," said Chesney. "Really that's when you learn a lot about yourself."

The bumped and bruised victim sent an e-mail to Chesney commending their bravery.

"That makes us feel good," said Grautski. "We sent him a t-shirt."

"It's good to know you have a whole bunch of like-minded coaches that just want to do the right thing," said Strong Safety coach Jonathan Jean-Louis.

The coaches credited a passerby for pointing them toward one suspect. They are glad neither turned out to have a weapon.


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