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Residents Of Arlington Apartment Building Furious Over Broken Elevator

ARLINGTON (CBS) - People living in an Arlington apartment complex say the elevator in their six-story building has been broken for more than a week. Many of the residents are elderly or disabled.

"Talking to the other people who live here, it is a real problem and it's a real concern especially if there is an emergency," said Marissa Talbot.

Every step residents take inside the 151 Mystic Street apartments in Arlington the more tired and frustrated they become. The elevator has been broken for the past week which means folks have no choice but to take the stairs.

"The elevator broke down last Sunday and I personally got stuck in it," Talbot said. "Luckily I didn't panic."

Talbot lives on the fourth floor and is so concerned about everyone's safety she posted signs on every floor.

Marissa Talbot
Marissa Talbot points to sign on broken elevator inside The Parkway Mystic apartments (WBZ-TV)

"I personally went through and wrote these signs saying elevator problem that there was something wrong with the elevator so people wouldn't get into it," Talbot said.

It's a privately owned rental building. The owners, CWJ Reality, posted a sign saying the elevator is in need of electrical repairs and is out of service. They apologize for any inconvenience.

The building houses many elderly residents and folks with disabilities. A non-working elevator is directly impacting their everyday lives.

"Something as simple as doing laundry, carrying it up and down the stairs is a lot of work, or going to the grocery store," Talbot said.

Parkway Mystic
The Parkway Mystic apartments in Arlington (WBZ-TV)

WBZ reached out to the owners of the building but have not heard back.

Residents say this is not the first time they have had issues with this elevator. It's broken several times before including this past summer. What is frustrating to them the most is the lack of communication. They don't know when it's going to be fixed.

"I would just like to see some type of communication from the management just to get a sense of not only when things are going to be fixed, but to manage, so people have an idea just what the heck is happening," Talbot said.

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