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Antonio Brown Apologizes For His 'Inexcusable' Behavior

BOSTON (CBS) -- Antonio Brown is saying he's sorry. Again.

In his quest to get back to the NFL, Brown published a lengthy apology via Instagram on Friday, saying he's sorry to family, friends and "anyone who I offended" for his "inexcusable" behavior. He's going to work hard to mend the bridges he's burned since his release from the Patriots in September, and hopes to get another chance in the NFL.

While Brown didn't specify what exactly he was apologizing for in his post, it appears to be for the actions that got him released from the Patriots after just 11 days with the organization. As he was dealing with a lawsuit by a woman accusing him of sexual assault, other stories of misconduct came out in a Sports Illustrated story. Brown sent threatening text messages to one of the victims in the Sports Illustrated stories, and was released by the Patriots later that day.

"While my behavior was inexcusable, sometimes when people are coming at you with false information and allegations, we handle ourselves in ways that we sometimes regret. I do take full responsibility for my actions and I'm working everyday to repair what I broke," Brown wrote on Friday. "I do know that if I'm ever given the opportunity to play the game that I love, I'm going to work extremely hard to show the world how much I appreciate another chance. To the organizations that I offended, I offer my sincere apology to you and my hope is that you forgive me and help me move on from this minor setback. I look forward to competing and helping a team reach their goals."

You can check out the full post here:

The NFL has been conducting their own investigation into the civil lawsuit filed against Brown in Florida, in which a woman alleges Brown raped her on three separate occasions. He met with the league last month to discuss the case, but the NFL has not announced their findings on the matter.

Brown has apologized a handful of times since his release from the Patriots, and has made it clear that he'd like to be playing football for New England again. As is usually the case, Patriots quarterback Tom Brady hit the "like" button on Brown's latest post.

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