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Andover Sisters To Undergo Kidney Transplant

ANDOVER (CBS) --- An Andover family is giving the gift of life to each other.

Twins Lindsey and Ashley Dias were diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis as teenagers. Both had previously received donated lungs from family members.

WBZ NewsRadio 1030's Karen Twomey reports

Andover Sisters To Undergo Kidney Transplant

But last year, while awaiting a second transplant, Ashley died.

Lindsey's kidneys are now failing and her younger sister has stepped in to potentially save her life.

"I saw Ashley waiting on the list for lungs, they didn't come. There was no way I was going to let Lindsey wait on that list." Mackenzie said.

Read: Mackenzie's Blog About The Experience

Mother Merilynn says there was no talking her out of it.

"It's hard I already lost a daughter so yeah, it will be difficult but Mackenzie was determined from the beginning to give this and nothing was going to shake her," she said.

Mackenzie will undergo the organ transplant to her sister Lindsey on Tuesday at Mass General Hospital.

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