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'It's about time': Andover residents clean up after weekend snowstorm

Andover residents relish in winter snow
Andover residents relish in winter snow 01:59

ANDOVER — Folks in Andover were busy most of the day on Saturday digging out and brushing off from the weekend storm that left behind several inches of snow.  

"The storm is wetter snow. It's heavier to pick up," said Andrew Anczak, an Andover homeowner. "I knew we were going to get a wallop today."

The Anczak family worked as a team, shovelling snow and getting ready for guests to arrive.  

"I have a lot of memories sledding down our hill and it's gonna be really fun having friends over,"  Molly Anczak said.

Richie Montanino broke out his electric snow blower to deal with the powder. 

"It's a little bit heavy," he said. "I just do it a little at a time and its fine."

Some, like a group of Andover mothers, took advantage of the stormy weather, testing out new skis and getting in some cross-country exercise.

"It's about time we got some snow," Robin Taylor said. "I got some new equipment and I've only the fourth time I've been able to use it."

"I'm very happy we finally got snow," said Jen Allan. "I love to cross-country ski and this is only my second time out this year."

The slushy streets and parking lots kept plow drivers busy, scooping up and clearing the sludge. 

 "Well obviously we want to take it on,"  JT Laurendeau of T&B Landscape and Irrigation said. "We got a lot of guys sitting around asking for work and times are tough so we will take the snow whenever we can get it."

But, as many Andover residents know, you can never quite be sure if this will be the last significant snowfall of the season.

"It's been pretty tame," Anczak said. "My wife always says there is a second winter. And this is second winter."

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