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"We can't get out": Andover cleanup continues after severe weekend storms

Andover cleanup continues after severe weekend storms
Andover cleanup continues after severe weekend storms 02:10

ANDOVER - Cleanup efforts continue in Andover and North Andover after days of devastation from storms over the weekend.

"This is the most significant wind event or storm that has impacted power since I've been town manager since 2015," Town Manager Andrew Flanagan said. 

The town says that as of Monday 10% of people are without power, compared to 60% on Sunday. But some people say they still seem forgotten.

"We can't get out. We had elderly people here and we had to help walk them out of the cul-de-sac. No one even knows we're here," said Larry Shrimpt, who has been trapped by fallen trees on his street and without power since Friday.

"I heard like it was a sound like a locomotive it was very very loud like whoosh and then it started shaking the whole house."

Larry and his wife Sandra, hid in their basement until it was safe.

"I looked over there at the end of the cul-de-sac and all I could see was the wind. It just spun the tree completely in circles and it picked it up and threw it like it was a toothpick," Larry told WBZ.

Their street had become inaccessible. They checked on the cleanup process, but there was no progress until Monday morning.

"If I had a heart attack cleaning up all this debris, nobody could get in here," Sandra said.

"Lot of talking, playing cards, trying to keep busy. This is a true test for your marriage I'll tell ya. You get stranded with your wife as long as I have, you'll know," he said.

Tree and power line crews continue to work hard on Monday, and can be seen all over town cleaning up debris and restoring power lines. The town says all major roadways have been cleared of debris and wires.

In North Andover, town officials said in a statement, that they will not be picking up any fallen trees or debris on private property or on the curb. Instead people are able to bring any trees or debris to the Cyr Center on Sharpners Pond Road for free through September 23.

The cooling center and charging stations are open at the town library 9 a.m. through 9 p.m. on Monday. School has been cancelled for students on Monday while cleanup continues, but will resume on Tuesday in Andover and North Andover.

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