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Ainge: Garnett Is Celtics 'Number One Option'

BOSTON (CBS) - Now that Danny Ainge can take down his NBA Draft big board, the Celtics president can move on to the team's primary focus this offseason: Kevin Garnett.

"I've been talking with Kevin and his people, and don't really have any conclusions yet. But that's a big part of (our offseason), absolutely. That's our number one option," Ainge said following the draft Thursday night. "One reason is because Kevin's such a valuable player and the other reason is he's the only guy we can talk to until Sunday."

Read: Celtics Potential Free Agent Targets

The Celtics are awaiting Garnett's decision for next season. Will he retire, or come back for another potential title run? The 17-year-veteran has been quiet this offseason, but his decision will be the first domino to fall for the C's.

NBA free agency begins Sunday, and Boston is hoping to have Garnett's decision by then.

Ainge is hoping Garnett can play alongside, and maybe lend some tutelage, to the pair of big-men he selected in the first round; Jared Sullinger and Fab Melo.

Read: Sullinger, Melo Risks Worth Taking

But Ainge isn't even sure Garnett knows what the Celtics added Thursday night.

"I bet you he didn't know who they are," he said with a chuckle.

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