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A Quiet Week...

A ridge over the East Coast will strengthen this week leading to quiet times ahead.  A weak surface system will attempt to spread a few showers our way tomorrow night into Wednesday morning.  This system will be moisture starved and lack upper level support so no more than some light showers will be seen as the system dives to our south through the Mid-Atlantic.  High pressure will take charge for the second half of the week this will lead to lots of sunshine and warmer temps especially away from the coast where a few towns may touch 70.  I will throw this out there...there is a chance that Thursday and Friday turn out cloudier than expected as weak onshore flow and a low-level inversion trap moisture and clouds in...we'll see.

You must have heard by now that the tropics are lighting up.  Tropical Depression #19 formed a few hours ago and is expected to stay way out in the Atlantic.  But Tropical Storm Sandy, which is located in the Caribbean, may have different plans.  The ridge that will provide us with quiet weather will keep the upper level winds rather light allowing Sandy to migrate slowly north out of the Caribbean and through the Bahamas.  Where it goes from there is up in the air...pretty much every possibility is on the table at this point.  When I say everything, I mean everything from a direct hit from a tropical or hybrid system to a complete miss out to sea.  I know that is a wide range but we simply don't know how it is going to all play out being that there are so many moving parts and that it's impact (if any) is likely over a week away.  Lots can and will happen between now and early next all eyes are on the tropics now.

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