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100s Turn Out For Boston Church Mass Welcoming Gay Community

BOSTON (CBS) - Hundreds turned out at a Boston church on Sunday for a Mass welcoming the gay community.

The turnout at St. Ceiclia's "All Are Welcome Mass" rivaled Easter Sunday.

Those in attendance heard Reverend John Unni preach a message of unconditional love and acceptance of all, including the gay, lesbian, bisexual and trans-gender communities.

"Every one of us has to be responsible to work out our own stuff with God. We all missed the mark," said Rev. Unni. "My thing is, no one gets excluded from the door, nobody gets excluded from the table."

WBZ NewsRadio 1030's Kim Tunnicliffe reports.


Rev. Unni urged people to let go of the shame that may keep them away from the church.

"As a gay Catholic, shame was definitely apart of my story, and it's just wonderful to see the community coming out and taking part and supporting everybody," said one parishioner.

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