Humans used to have to chew a lot plants to get enough food to survive, therefore the extra teeth. Today, only about 5 percent of the population has a healthy set of Wisdom Teeth. Source: Discover Magazine (credit: AP)
Palmaris Muscle
A long muscle that runs from the elbow to the wrist. It could have been important for hanging and climbing. 11 percent of people do not have one. Source: Discover Magazine (credit:AP)
Body Hair
Eyebrows help keep sweat out of the eyes and women may be attracted by male facial hair, but most of our body hair serves no function or purpose. Source: Discover Magazine
Extrinsic Ear Muscles
Three muscles that made it possible for early man to move their ears independently of their heads, the way that dogs and cats can. These muscles are why some people can learn to wiggle their ears. Source: Discover Magazine (Credit: AP)
The tail bone. The fused bones are all that’s left of the tail that most mammals used for balance and communication. Some people think the coccyx helps support organs or that muscles are attached to it, but they can be removed without any health problems. Source: Discover Magazine (credit: AP)
Third Eyelid
Birds have them for protecting the eye and cleaning out debris. Humans still have a tiny fold in the inner corner of the eye. Source: Discover Magazine (credit: AP)
Neck Bone
A set of small ribs that appear in less than 1% of the population. They can cause nerve and artery problems. They may be leftover from the age of reptiles. Source: Discover Magazine (credit: AP)
Plantaris Muscle
This foot muscle helps primates grasp with their feet. It’s disappeared in 9% of humans. Source: Discover Magazine (credit: AP)
Thirteenth Rib
Chimpanzees and gorillas have them. But only about 8% of humans have an extra rib. Source: Discover Magazine (credit: AP)
Extrinsic Ear Muscles
Three muscles that made it possible for early man to move their ears independently of their heads, the way that dogs and cats can. These muscles are why some people can learn to wiggle their ears. Source: Discover Magazine (AP Photo/Czarek Sokolowski)