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Where's Marty? At Baltimore's biggest new mural

Where's Marty? At Baltimore's biggest new mural
Where's Marty? At Baltimore's biggest new mural 01:18

Hi Everyone!

Your "Where's Marty?" staff heard of a big wall mural going up on the side of a kind of large auto body shop in Waverly at 28th and Greenmount.   

So, like any other lead, we checked it out and thought this would be a cool segment because it is being done with all spray paint can as opposed to brush and roller.


But digging a bit deeper, and with the help of the design team of K.C. Corbett and Evangeline Galloway, we discovered that there are over 20 wall murals in the Waverly neighborhood of Baltimore City!  And with that we were on it. 


Clearly, the Waverly business, and residential folks, are big on this way of beautifying an area and giving creative folks the go ahead to be bold. I commend.

Where's Marty? Learning about how a gigantic mural came together in Baltimore 03:11

The central theme is the blue crab we all know and love. 

And that color of blue runs through the cityscape back ground. KC, and Evangeline, estimate the mural will be finished in a couple of weeks. At that point you can drive by and see a totally spray painted work of art for yourselves. 

K.C. and Evangeline are going into a mural design business in the very near future. 

This type of creativity is in demand by the professional, and private sector alike. If you'd like to see more of K.C. Corbett's work here is his website! 

If was fun hanging with creative folks this morning!


Marty B!

Where's Marty? Learning more about the passion and message behind a giant new mural in Baltimore 01:49
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