Where's Marty? Visiting Civic Works' Real Food Farm, Where Vegetables Are Grown For People In Need
Hi Everyone!
It was back to Civic Works today, because the last time we were there, a story just fell into our lap.
Civic Works is a nonprofit that "strengthens Baltimore's communities through education, skills development, and community service." And it has been the way for two decades.
And a month ago while we were doing our live shots, a van arrived and worker opened its doors and started putting boxed of FRESH vegetables into that car. Of course I said, "What's that?" I was told of this amazing program where Civic Works grows vegetables year-round in two acres of greenhouses behind the old Lake Clifton High School building. They get fresh produce to the elderly and others. Also in those boxes is other produce sourced from local farms and paid for by donations to the Civic Works budget. And, again, this goes on ALL YEAR. That is a special program we wanted to take YOU to see more of.
These greenhouses in the city are growing carrots, snap peas, lettuce, kale, tomatoes, watermelons and more. This is a full-blown farm setting. After our first live shot this morning, Meg said that, at first, she thought we were out in a county on a farm. Nope, we were two blocks from Sinclair Lane visiting good folks doing a world of good for a city they call home. It gets no better, and we thank Civic Works for hosting us again!
And like K2 said, "We appreciate ya."