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Where's Marty? Learning about the historic Maryland Dove Tall Ship docked in Fell's Point

Where's Marty? Learning the history of the Maryland Dove Tall Ship
Where's Marty? Learning the history of the Maryland Dove Tall Ship 02:58

Hi Everyone!


As Jimmy Buffett sings, "Theres something about a boat that gives you hope!" And the boat this visitor to Fells Point's Broadway Pier was modeled after certainly gave hope to the original settlers of Maryland. This is a replica of, "The Dove!"   


She took 3 years for boat wrights to hand build in St. MIchaels, but is based out of St.  Mary's City at the lower end of the Western Shore. And She is just beautiful.


During the Hogan administration Maryland spent 5 million dollars to recreate the smaller of the two vessels, the "Ark" and the "Dove" which brought the first settlers to the land now known as Maryland. 

She will be used as an education tool, tourist attraction, not to mention drumming up some business for the state not unlike the "Pirde of Baltimroe" does for the city. (The "Ark" sailed back to England as it carried most of the provisions over, the "Dove" stayed behind as a utility and or safety vehicle. One guest this morning compared the two ships to a modern day box truck, and a modern day business van.)

As part of Sail Baltimore, her visit was planned and is now almost over. The next stop is Havre de Grace for this next weekend. But for many years to come the "Dove" will be working the waters of Maryland always reminding us of our pre-colonial past.

For more info. you can visit their website at


Marty B!

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