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Where's Marty: Setting off on a hot dog adventure, first stop Attman's Deli

Where's Marty? Getting frank at one of the great delis of the East Coast
Where's Marty? Getting frank at one of the great delis of the East Coast 03:19

Hi Everyone!

This week on "Where's Marty?" we are visiting 5 totally iconic hot dog locations in the area. Let me bring you into the loop as to how this "theme week" happened.

We try really hard to have at least two weeks of "WM?" planned ahead. In feature TV if you do not stay ahead of the clock, it will catch you and then you have to scramble, then punt, and the result is not good TV. Our goal is to do good TV for you. So about a month ago I was talking with K2 about the Labor Day weekend, specifically, what are we going to do that Friday of the holiday weekend.

We kicked around cookout ideas and such, then BANG, out of left field, I start talking about hot dogs.

Where's Marty? Getting his first hot dog of the week at Attman's 01:32

I am a big fan of hot dogs. And have been all my life. I get it from my Mom. She loved a good hot dog. She really liked ballpark hot dogs that were boiled and then sat in that hot water for hours getting juicy and flavorful. At home, she would boil a hot dog, cut it in half, then slice (lengthwise) each half into two pieces. She would take a piece of Melba Toast, put tartar sauce on it, and then lay the slice of dog on. It actually was very good. I could go on with stories, but you get the point.

I try to eat healthy, and I work out a lot. But every couple of weeks I just need a good hot dog. It is GOOD for the SOUL. And so be it. And there are really iconic local places that do great dogs. So we brainstormed and came up with five iconic spots to visit. (And there are more than five which may lead to a Hot Dog Week encore.) Remember, we are not declaring any dog the best -- that is up to you -- this is all about locally iconic.

We kicked off today at the LEGENDARY Attman's deli on Lombard Street in the city. 

For 107 years this family-owned business has set the standard for great hot dogs. Owner Marc Attman told me they usually sell about 200 a day, 7 days a week. Just do the math. 

Where's Marty? Getting frank at one of the great delis of the East Coast 03:19

With plenty of on-street parking and their own lot, Attman's is an easy run. When I go to Attman's on Lombard Street, once the center of Jewish delis and markets in Baltimore, I get the hot dog wrapped in bologna with yellow deli mustard. 

In other dog spots, I might add on chili, or even slaw and chili, but at Attman's the above is what I like. 

But the menu for their hot dogs includes these: 


Owner Marc's favorite is the "Irish Setter." The Sauerkraut is warm, not room temp, btw.

And now we are off on a week-long adventure. Tomorrow is another city spot that is a right of passage when a night of fun requires some "grease." And I say that lovingly. Later in the week, we will be in Carroll County, BMore County, and AA County. Heck YEAH!!!

    Marty B!

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