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Where's Marty? Learning about how Fly with the Flock began

Where's Marty? Learning about how Fly with the Flock began
Where's Marty? Learning about how Fly with the Flock began 03:21

Hi Everyone!

TGIF!! Totally the truth!

Welcome to another "Where's Marty?" "Purple Friday" themed subject. 

To me, part of the beauty of having an NFL team is just how local businesses have been able to ride the tailfeathers of the Ravens.

And that is NO slight to any business that has created a brand catering to Ravens Nation. 

It is a logical part of building a fanbase, and I think the team itself would acknowledge that. 

Be it a merchandise store selling clothing, or an auto detailing shop creating award-winning Ravens themed wraps for vans / busses/ and cars, or even the Poe house spotlighting the poem we are named after, (and other works of Edgar Allan Poe), an NFL team makes a lot of folks a paycheck, and even more people just plain happy. 

And today we met the guys behind "Fly With The Flock" -- two super fans who turned a dream into a business

Where's Marty? Getting a BIG surprise for his 45th anniversary at WJZ 05:52

They are football travel agents in the purest sense of the word, and have teamed up with other local businesses to make this happen.

Blake Short and Colby Gibson are "moving those chains!" The men met in 2009 and started going to games together, and then came a "eureka moment!" 


Frankly, away games are fun. 

And frankly, some away games can be a bit, "interesting." (Sitting in a stadium of "Terrible Towels" will get your attention). 

And frankly, it is a lot of work to plan, and pull one off.   

But it is a fan experience shared with others that makes for the gameday getaway.  

And some locations are just awesome. Two words, New Orleans, sums that up. 

But again, it is the guys that said "let's do this" who are the story. It takes guts to go "all-in" on any business and we thank them for hosting us this morning in their totally Ravens-themed office.

More "Purple Friday" themed "Where's Marty's" have been planned. 

And we think you will enjoy them. 

We are only on Game 6 of the NFL season, so hopefully we will still be dreaming up this fun stuff LONG after the New Year!

TGIF all! Find ya some fun this weekend and be safe!

Marty B!

Where's Marty? With 'Fly with the Flock,' a company making sure Ravens fans get to away games 01:21
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