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Where's Marty? Inside the haunted Spencer Silver Mansion, now a bed and breakfast

Where's Marty? Inside the haunted Spencer Silver Mansion, which is now a spectacular bed and breakfa
Where's Marty? Inside the haunted Spencer Silver Mansion, which is now a spectacular bed and breakfa 03:11

Hi Everyone!

Today's subject for our "Where's Marty?"' "Creepy and haunted places week" was somewhat NEITHER. And that is an important place to start.

This morning we were in Havre de Grace, a town with a more than average amount of old Victorian mansions. 

A few of which have become bread and breakfast. "Spence Silver" is a MAGNIFICENT old home - clean, beautiful and FULL Victorian inside. 

I am pointing all this out up top because I got the feeling from co-owner, and guest this AM, Carol Nemeth, that she was a bit apprehensive about this morning's segment. 

Matter of fact she kindly mentioned it to me. 

I somewhat got the feeling from co-owner Jim Nemeth, but he didn't verbalize it. Carol, and Jim were wonderful hosts, fine folks. But here is the hesitation. 

They have worked hard to put together a great place and they want "Spence Silver" not known ONLY as some must do stop on a ghost hunt.

But there is a hard fact about the mansion, a lady dead for over 100 years has been SEEN on more than just a few times. 


As Carol told us the apparition s not transparent like it is a well-dressed woman.

Speculation is she was the wife of the original owner. 

That came first to us by Lisa Lopez. She, her husband, and family run Havre De Haunts ( 

It is a well respected business in the biz of history, and haunting tours.

She says there are about 5 legit hauntings in this history city, and the lady at Spencer Silver" is a big one. (By the way her family in Havre De Grace goes back to the early 1800's.) 

She was a very knowledgeable guide for this morning whose story of the ghost staring down at a man lying in bed, and shaking her head at him, is a must hear. 

Turned out the man was an attorney with a rather questionable reputation and was being scolded. And again the report was of a person not a Disney cartoon.

Personally I will be back to the B&B for a Saturday night./Sunday AM in Havre de Grace. Been wanting  to do that for a long time anyway. The downtown is a good restaurant and bar scene. And a big part of me want to go stay  in THAT particular room. 


How cool would seeing that lady be! Pretty coolI!

Tomorrow we are going to attempt to summon the spirit of Edgar Allan Poe. Really. Seriously.

Marty B! 

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