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Where's Marty? Turning the clock back at the Bromo Seltzer Arts Tower

Where's Marty? Turning the clock back at the Bromo Seltzer Arts Tower
Where's Marty? Turning the clock back at the Bromo Seltzer Arts Tower 01:24

Hi Everyone!

It was one year ago we started WJZ a t9. (Can I stop and be honest about something. I have still not figured out how to write that show name. Is it WJZ at 9? Is it WJZat9?. It it WJZ @ 9, or WJZ@9? I go with the way the graphic is, so I write WJZat9. Ok, back to the story.)

One year ago we started bringing you "Where's Marty?" and, by we, I mean K2 and myself. 

I talk about him all the time on the air. 

I mention him in this blog a lot. 

But without Kunta "K2" Stanley, from Cambridge Maryland, the segment would not be as much fun for me to do, and would not have the same vibe for you.


Every once in a while a "photog" and a reporter work so well together they are pared when possible. That is us. 

We are on the same page, we have the same work pacing, and we both take the job very seriously. AND "K2" just does not take video. 

I think up a lot of the segments but If he has an idea for a "Where's Marty?" he lays it out. 

During broadcast he will say how do you want to do this or that. My answer always is, "You do you, it's your shot." 

We do not travel together to assignments. 

We leave from our homes and arrive at the scene around the same time. 

He greets me with a fist bump and the words, "It's a good day to be on this side of the Earth."


Today, we went back to the beginning, to our first 9 a.m. live shot, inside the clock tower on the Bromo Seltzer Arts Tower. 

And we both agree that it is the coolest location we have been to in the year. (We purposely, during our "cool place" recap at the end of 2022, put it to the side knowing we would be back for the anniversary show.) You drive by the clock.

Where's Marty? Reminiscing on the first "Where's Marty" at the Bromo Seltzer Arts Tower 02:22

You see it in pictures. It has been a part of the city scape since 1911. 

When you take the elevator up and arrive inside the clock area it is just a "wow moment." (By the way, post-COVID tours are given on Saturdays. 

Here is the website for more info

We think it is worth every cent of admission which includes a tour of the whole tower, and the blue glass Bromo Seltzer bottle museum below the clock. 

That will be tomorrows "WM?" by the way.)


But in the end "Where's Marty?" is ALL about you!  

We view it as a way to take you, the viewer, to the places as reporters we get to go, and see. 

Where's Marty? In the clock tower room of the Bromo Seltzer Arts Tower 02:46

We take you behind the ropes.

 We get to introduce you, the viewer, to people you might never get a chance to meet. Without your support making our show a success we would not have the opportunity to, again tomorrow, take you somewhere we want to be. 

And I would not have a chance to, again tomorrow, look at you through K2's lens and say, "WJZat9 starts RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW! "

Marty B!

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