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What's Ahead For 2016 Legislative Session?

ANNAPOLIS, Md. (WJZ) -- All about the money. The 2016 legislative session opens Wednesday, and already, it's a battle over the budget -- even though the governor hasn't submitted one yet.

Political reporter Pat Warren has more on what's ahead.

The governor and the Democrats held separate events Tuesday that are obviously a warmup for the sessions.

The big issue is tax relief, and there's that word, bipartisan, by which the Democrats mean "do it our way."

"I'm prepared to vote for the tax cuts again, if it's the right thing to do, and if all our Democratic conditions are fully funded," said Senate President Mike Miller. "And when I mean Democratic conditions, I mean K-12."

And to the governor, it means "get on board with him."

"I can't imagine any member of the legislature from any party possibly having a problem with providing tax relief to retirees on a fixed income, struggling working families or struggling small businesses," said Gov. Larry Hogan.

But Democrats want their conditions met first, which include funding K-12 education -- a sore point last session.

"We are going to make all that happen," said House Speaker Mike Busch.

Governor's Hogan's reply is "tread lightly."

"An overwhelming majority of Marylanders want this, they're demanding it. And I would say anyone that isn't in favor of that probably doesn't deserve to be in the legislature," the governor said.

Deserved or not, by Hogan standards, it's Marylanders who put them there.

The governor will not submit a budget until January 20.

The governor also proposes waiving state taxes for manufacturers who open new plants in Baltimore, Western Maryland and on the lower Eastern Shore.

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