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Waterfront Wellness Series Returns To West Shore Park With New Safety Measures In Place Amid COVID-19 Pandemic

BALTIMORE (WJZ) -- The popular Waterfront Wellness series is returning to West Shore Park in Baltimore this weekend with some new restrictions due to the coronavirus.

The program is resuming two months after its usual start due to the pandemic.


"The program usually starts in May, so in May we launched a virtual library of fitness resources and videos for people to do at home," Matt Shaffer, the director of marketing for the Waterfront Partnership of Baltimore, said.

Fitness fanatics will notice a number of changes due to COVID-19, including class sizes limited to 40 participants and mask requirements except when able to social distance.

People will also be required to register beforehand.

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Like normal, though, Shaffer said classes will be available for people of all ages and abilities. Among the offerings are yoga, dance fitness and boot camp workouts.

"All of our fitness classes are for all ages so beginners to advanced levels," he said. "We have a class for everybody, even for small kids."

Fitness instructor and personal trainer Chinara Bruce said it will feel good to be able to move around and get some fresh air after spending so much time inside in recent months.

"I know we've been indoors... but to feel the sun and the vitamin D on your sun and to sweat, it's going to be amazing," she said," Bruce said.

Classes will continue through October 13. For more information, click here.

For the latest information on coronavirus go to the Maryland Health Department's website or call 211. You can find all of WJZ's coverage on coronavirus in Maryland here.

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