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Trump Slams Cruz As A Hypocrite

MYRTLE BEACH, S.C. (AP) -- Donald Trump is slamming Republican presidential rival Ted Cruz as a "great hypocrite" for tapping big financial institutions for loans while portraying himself as an anti-establishment outsider.

Trump kept the new feud between the two front-runners alive in New Hampshire and on Twitter before a tea party convention in South Carolina at which both are appearing.

In the last Republican debate, Trump offered a passionate defense of New York City in response to Cruz's claim that he represents "New York values" out of step with conservatives.

At the tea party meeting, Cruz didn't mention Trump by name. But he urged activists to back a consistent conservative -- meaning, not Trump.

Trump challenges Cruz for taking loans from Goldman Sachs and Citibank when he was running for his Texas Senate seat.

(Copyright 2016 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)

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