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Suspects In Pizza Shop Murder Face Charges In 7-Eleven Murder

MILLERSVILLE, Md. (WJZ) -- Anne Arundel County Police announced four arrests in two separate robberies and murders and the suspects are all teenagers.  Three of them are still in high school.

Derek Valcourt has more on the arrests and reaction from the Glen Burnie neighborhood where it happened.

The two murders shocked this area.  Police are blaming what they describe as a loosely-knit gang.

When four armed robbers held up a Mr. Wings and Pizza restaurant on Baltimore Annapolis Boulevard in Glen Burnie Nov. 12, they shot and killed customer Misael Flores, 20.  Right away, the investigation led police to Vincent Bunner, 17, of Pasadena.  Now they've arrested three other teenagers: 18-year-old Shawn Johnson, 19-year-old Willie McLean and 17-year-old Charles Butler.

"We believe we know who the triggerman was,  however, we are not going to release that at this time," said Maj. Ed Bergin, Anne Arundel County Police.

The arrests are good news to friends of the victim and employees at Mr. Wings, who recognize some of the suspects as frequent customers.

"I was really shocked because they are young kids.  They go to the school and always come over here and buy the stuff," said Malik Saqaf, Mr. Wings and Pizza owner.

After solving that crime, police were able to determine that two of those suspects were involved in the August robbery and murder of a convenience store clerk at a 7-Eleven just down the street.  Clerk Youseff Attia was shot in the back as he tried to run from the three robbers that entered the store around 3:30 a.m. Aug. 9.

Detectives now believe Bunner and Johnson took part in the crime.  A third suspect is still at large.

"I'm glad they caught them," said Hossam Abdel-Fatah, 7-Eleven store owner.

It's comforting news to Abdel-Fatah, who wants permission from 7-Eleven corporate headquarters to close the store after midnight.

"I know that this will not prevent the criminal act totally, 100 percent, but at least it would reduce it and this would be something great," Abdel-Fatah said.

All four suspects have been charged as adults.

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