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Study: Taking Time Off From Work Could Save Your Life

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) – Dying for a vacation? New research finds taking more time off could save your life.

Whether it's a trip to the Magic Kingdom or strolling the boards at the JerseyShore, vacation time is good for you.

The new study from Finland looked at more than 1,200 men over 40 years. It found those who took less than three weeks of vacation a year were 37 percent more likely to die early, as compared to those who took more than three weeks from their work schedule.

Researchers say vacation can be a good way to relieve stress and offset related issues like obesity, high blood pressure and depression.

The study also implies that living a healthy lifestyle, eating well, exercising, and getting enough sleep doesn't make up for harms caused by working too hard and not taking time off.

Reduced risk of heart diseases and reduced depression were among the health benefits associated with vacations.

Vacations have been shown to improve productivity at work.

Research says people usually come back refreshed and motivated.

This study was done with just men, but the researcher says the life-saving benefits of vacations would probably be the same for women.

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