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Steve Davis: What Is Up With Ray Rice?

I have no idea, but in a weird way I hope he is hurt and not telling us. Because if he is not hurt, then that might mean he is done. I find that hard to believe. He has been too good to just lose it like that.

I am going to choose door number 3 and say it is the offensive line. It's not like Pierce is lighting it up either.

I know people are calling for Pierce to replace Rice, but he had a grand total of 31 yards on Sunday. And, remove one 9 yard run, he didn't have a single carry for more than 5 yards. He has plenty of no gains this year.

I think the line just can't block. Flacco is on pace for over 50 sacks, so that tells you something about the line's play.

I know people want more Pierce and less Rice. I, for one, doubt that that is the answer.

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