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Steve Davis: Idiot Fans

The behavior of fans is really mind boggling. Just in the last few days, we had 2 fans drop their fans and moon right behind Bryce Harper in his major league debut.

Think about the audacity...pulling down your pants in a major league stadium. That takes balls....and stupidity.

Then there's the guy who ran on the field at Camden Yards and got body slammed by the ump. That's 4 fans at Camden Yards in April alone. They need to stiffen the penalties. As Adam Jones said, it's not's disruptive. And maybe the worst, a catfight between 2 women at Yankee Stadium. One lady got kicked in the chest and fell on her head.

These people are nuts, and out of control....and they're ruining the experience for people that pay their way to watch a game, not this crap.

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