Steve Davis: Harbaugh Values Ravens Fans
We had John Harbaugh on the Norris & Davis show today.
One thing that continues to impress me is how often he gives credit to the fans. Other coaches have done it, and I've seen it plenty in my career, but he stands above just about everybody. I think Harbaugh is very sincere about that. He recognizes the significance in sports, and particularly, the success of a franchise, to the people in a community.
I know some people are upset that the Ravens are taking training camp out of Westminster, but it's not a slight on the fans. Things have changed a lot since the Ravens have come to Baltimore. Most notably, their facilities in Owings Mills are superior to Westminster. Holding practice at the Castle is more convenient and more beneficial. If you threw away the prior relationship, and started from scratch, you wouldn't pick Westminster over Owings Mills, you just wouldn't.