St. Vincent de Paul Baltimore helps families during MLK day of service
BALTIMORE — East Baltimore families got their hands on a number of freebies today, part of St. Vincent de Paul Baltimore's day of service for MLK Day.
But their service for that specific part of the city will continue long after the holiday's over.
SVDP's giveaway included a lot of things to help with the cold weather, from children's coats to hats and gloves. They also were handing out free school supplies.
However, the event served another purpose--an open house. Taking over the St. James and St. John School on Somerset Street, the non-profit is in the middle of renovating the building specifically for their Head Start program.
The program is an early childhood education program that works to get young children ready for school. The group says their goal is to help the most vulnerable families, like those who are homeless.
"Our idea is we create change in the community by giving children access to high quality childcare while supporting the family," said Olutende Clark, VP of Child and Family Services. "So, creating a self-sufficient, active, proactive family that reaches its goals, that makes goals, sets goals--all that's gonna work to build school readiness for children."
SVDP already has six other Head Start facilities in the city, they're excited East Baltimore will be added to the list.
"We want folk to take advantage of these services and we're here for Somerset," said Clarke.
If you want to learn more about Head Start, you can click here.