Severna Park Osprey Camera Goes Live
SEVERNA PARK, Md. (WJZ) -- These reality stars don't need makeup or producers, but they do have cameras perched up above their homes.
Alex DeMetrick reports on the growing popularity of osprey cams.
The osprey population crashed from DDT pesticides in the 50s and 60s but they've come soaring back in the wild and on the web.
The Chesapeake Conservancy started it, streaming video of a pair of ospreys who winter apart in South America.
"In completely different countries and come back around St. Patrick's Day and meet back up. These birds are amazing," said Joel Dunn, Chesapeake Conservancy.
So much so the cameras tied to websites are spreading near and far. There's one at an alcoa plant in North Carolina and a pair on a Cornell University website.
"The technology is getting cheaper. For a relatively small investment, you can potentially have people attracted to your website," said Tom Zolper, Chesapeake Bay Foundation.
After moving an osprey nest off a power pole to a safer spot built by BGE, the crew helped install an osprey cam at the Chesapeake Bay Foundation.
"It's a break for them from that dangerous work they do every day and these men really enjoy the environment," said BGE environmental scientist Greg Kappler.
BGE also helped neighbors in Severna Park install a camera on another relocated nest that's gone online.
By sharing nature on the web, environmental groups are also opening a door to potential new members.
"They're naturally fascinated by nature and this gives them a chance to be introduced to the Chesapeake Bay Foundation," Zolper said.
Their website is also up and waiting for ospreys---but there's still months of viewing ahead.
To watch the live video stream, CLICK HERE. For more information on the Chesapeake Conservancy, click here. To see the Chesapeake Foundation's camera, click here. And to learn more about the Severna Park ospreys. click here.