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Resolutions Are Easy; Keeping Them Is Hard

BALTIMORE (WJZ) -- It's the day to proclaim how we will behave for the other 364 days this year.

As Mike Schuh reports, New Year's resolutions are easy to make and tough to keep.

Nearly all of us make New Year's resolutions.

"My goal for 2011 is to stop smoking," said Suzie Keelan.

There are also resolutions about love, fitness and family.  Leyla Phillip doesn't hesitate with hers.

"I've been in sales all my life but I want to be a stand-up comedian.  I'm hilarious," she said.

At a coffee shop in South Baltimore, some even wrote theirs down.

"These are my smart goals," said Amber.  "Measurable, attainable, rewarding.  Not resolutions.  They're smart goals and they're written.  To apply to business school, to apply for scholarships, to go to Brazil."

Statistics show what half of our audience already knows: women are better at keeping resolutions because of the social pressure after they tell their friends.

"I think it's easier to keep them if you have help or it's a shared resolution," said Beth Furlong, who didn't make one this year.

"You know, keep my head up, continue to be myself.  There's no such thing as a New Year's resolution.  It don't stop; you just go ahead and do what you have to do," said one person.

No matter what your resolution, we wish you well in keeping it.

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