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Rec Center Director Accused Of Sexually Assaulting 2 Girls

BALTIMORE (WJZ)—A city rec center director is arrested for allegedly fondling two girls.

Monique Griego has the latest on the case.

Parents knew exactly who Gregory Brewer was when WJZ showed them his mug shot. As the director of the C.C. Jackson Recreation Center in Park Heights, he helped look after their kids.

"He was a basketball referee, coach, a nice human being," said Donte Thomas.

But nice isn't what some people are calling him after police arrested Brewer for sexually assaulting two little girls at the center last week. 

Court documents obtained by WJZ claim Brewer hugged a 13-year-old girl then grabbed her breasts.

After the alleged incident at the center, the victim confided in another little girl who said Brewer had touched her, too. Except this time she claimed he grabbed her buttocks.

"It kind of makes me scared," said Mikia Booth.

Booth and Jaynelle Jackson both bring their daughters to play at the pool. They say some parents didn't like how Brewer behaved around girls.

"He would always attract their attention," Booth said.

"Right. They would always be with him or always cling to him," Jackson said.

Police documents show Brewer admitted to the hug and said he may have accidentally touched the girl's breasts. 

"Accidentally? It's no accident," said Booth, while shaking her head in disbelief.

Most parents planned to keep letting their kids come to the center but said things wouldn't be as carefree.

"Whereever they are I gotta be," Jackson said.

Baltimore City Parks and Rec leaders say Brewer is on administrative leave, pending the outcome of the investigation. WJZ did go by his house but were unable to reach him for a comment.

Officials also say parents were notified about the allegations.

Brewer was charged with child abuse, sexual offense and assault.  He was booked into jail on a $150,000 bond.

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