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Ray Rice Speaks Out About Future

BALTIMORE (WJZ) --- As Ray Rice tries to regain his footing in the NFL, the former Raven talks about his future and the elevator incident.

Rick Ritter has more on the interview.

Rice said he's horribly sorry for everything and everything he has put his family through.  He said they've all came together over the last 10 months. Counseling sessions tore him apart in order to be built back up.

After months of an explosive saga and for the first time since his reinstatement to the NFL, we're hearing from former Raven, Ray Rice, in an exclusive interview with The Today Show.

"I want my wife, my daughter, my family to... we all just want our lives back," Rice said.

Rice owned up to the punch that knocked out his wife, Janay Palmer, inside an Atlantic City casino elevator in February. The knockout sent his career tumbling.

"My wife is an angel, she can do no wrong, I take full responsibility for my action," Rice said.

When asked about the Ravens press conference in May, Rice admitted he was nervous. He said he was told specifically what to talk about.

"I made a horrendous mistake by not apologizing to my wife," Rice said.

Raven's coach, John Harbaugh, was asked about his former star running back on Monday.

"Ray and Janay are very good friends of ours as a family and we wish them nothing but the best," Harbaugh said.

According to reports, several NFL teams have expressed interest in Rice, but no formal offers have been made. The NFL has a track record of giving second chances.

"Michael Vick got another chance. Donte Stallworth was in a fatal hit and run... he got another chance," said.

Rice hopes on team will give him another chance.

"They would have to be willing to look deeper into who I am and realize me and my wife had one bad night and I took full responsibility for it," Rice said.

Rice added that if he never plays football again, he'll adapt to that life. He said he'll sacrifice more so Janay can have a better future.

Janay said that she believes the Ravens released Rice as a knee jerk reaction because of the bad publicity.

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