Ravens Players Do Different Kind Of Performance For Sick Kids
BALTIMORE (WJZ) -- The State House Thursday, the circus Wednesday night! Some Ravens players went under the big top to create a very special night for critically ill children.
Kai Jackson has more on why this event is so important to the kids.
The circus says it's the greatest show on earth. Wednesday night, they were joined by some of the bravest children on earth and a few Ravens who helped them have a good time.
It was a big top performance at the 1st Mariner Arena Wednesday night. The Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus put on its annual show in Baltimore.
"Cancer has been kinda hard for me and my family, too. And it's been going on since I was five, so it's been a part of my life for a long time," said 11-year-old Juliana Carver.
This night at the circus was truly special. Children with Casey Cares Foundation came to see the show. Casey Cares provides fun events and respites for critically ill children and their families.
Wednesday night, members of the Baltimore Ravens like Arthur Jones stepped up to help out.
"It's really great to be able to have some fun, take the family out and do something fun that's not related to hospitals," said Tammy Carver.
"A lot of people look at me as an athlete but I'm just a regular person, just like them. Everyone has their own problems to battle with and any way I can help out, that's what I'm here for," said Arthur Jones.
A day is often filled with chemotherapy, blood work, needles and IVs. It was replaced with something more appropriate for kids--laughter and the fun of the circus they'll never forget.
"It's really fun and it's great 'cause I'm not there. I'm having fun," Juliana Carver said.
The circus will be in town until April 7.